Things To Avoid When You Decide on Home Decor

Mistakes happen in every household when choosing a décor - sometimes the tails in the bathroom, don’t really match with the colour of the rugs, or the green shade on the curtains is slightly different than the green shade of the carpet. However if you are inexperienced and not really careful, the mismatch between the carpet and the curtains is going to be your last problem. So here is what you should try to avoid.

Colour Cacaphony. We know that the kitchen is a place to experiment, but that does not mean that you should combine eggplant purple with lime yellow and pink. And if you are from those people who like to experiment in the bedroom, unless you are blind, we guarantee you this combination will be disastrous. In other words, even when though, it’s true, you should either go bold or go home, don’t take it to extremes. Firstly, find which colours irritate the eyes and which are more soothing. Always use colour cards when making up your mind. Match the two cards, and if you still think that you are not getting the right impression ask professionals to show you the paint, try it on a surface and see how it looks. Keep in mind that it may look different on a different light. If you are the type of person for whom there are only 6 main colours, you might want to bring your wife, friend, etc. to help you!


Have you heard the expression “too much of somehing good is bad”? - It’s true! Don’t overdo. If you like carpets, for instance, you might put one/two/three of them in different rooms, but don’t put carpets on the walls and in the bathroom. I don’t mind carpets on the walls, but you better not have a wall to wall carpet on the floor too! Find the balance. Whatever material you decide to use in your house, use it in moderation. Having 10 plants is ok – having 110 is not unless your house is really huge and there is no chance to make it look like a jungle. Remember that too much, even, of something good is bad. Besides you can always combine different materials - textiles with wood, for instance.


Being indecisive and chaotic.. Yes you can go for an eclectic interior, which is perfectly fine and combining the warmth of the wood, with the cooler shades of blue on the wall might really create a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere. But when choosing a décor for your home, the most important thing is to try and be persistent. Your success is in your good planning and vision. If you have a vision, stick to it. Simple as that.

According to a large number of professional end of lease cleaning staff, there are two often overlooked things that leave a lasting impression on landlords, potential buyers and even your guests - the level of cleanliness and your taste. *A tastefully decorated home can raise its price up to 20%! A clean home looks up to 50% more appealing to people. * There is an 87% chance you will get your deposit money from your landlord if you return the property sparkling clean. The last mistake you can do when it comes to home decorating, is creating a wonderful home environment and not maintaining it properly.


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